Additional Learning Support / SEND — Solihull Sixth Form College

Additional Learning Support / SEND

We want you to succeed in your studies at Solihull Sixth Form College and for you to reach your full potential whatever your difficulty, disability or additional need.


Frequently asked questions:

What is an ‘additional need’?
We support students with a variety of ‘needs’ including:
ASC / Asperger’s
Visual impairment
Hearing impairment
Medical conditions
Mental health difficulties
Mobility difficulties
Panic / anxiety

How can I get help?
It is important that we know about your additional need as soon as possible. You can inform us of your particular needs in the following ways: Open Day Event, Application Form, telephone, letter, email or, once you have started your course, via your Academic Coach, teacher(s) or by dropping in to the Additional Learning Department in Malvern Building. Once we are aware of your support needs, we will arrange for you to have a more in-depth chat with one of the team to assess and agree your individual additional learning needs. The Additional Learning Department is managed by our SEN Co-ordinator Caroline Sweeney ([email protected]).

What if I have an EHC plan?
We will need to liaise with the local authority who is responsible for maintaining your Education Health Care Plan to ensure appropriate support, provision and funding arrangements can be fulfilled. We will ask for a copy of any assessment reports and any other relevant paperwork to enable us to put appropriate support in as soon as possible.

What type of support might I get?

  • Regular assessment / review of needs
  • Drop in support
  • Access to the College’s quiet area for independent study
  • Exam / Key Assessment support & Access Arrangement Assessment
  • Transition support leading in to College and on to HE / employment
  • Interview and enrolment support

If I had exam access arrangements previously e.g. extra time, scribe, reader, will I get this same arrangement at College?
Yes, depending on the reason you had the access arrangement and providing we have appropriate evidence to support this continuing at your level 3 study. We must comply with JCQ requirements in the awarding of all exam access arrangements.

I don’t have a diagnosis but I have always suspected I might be dyslexic. Can I be tested at College?
Whilst we cannot offer diagnoses of specific learning difficulties, we can offer advice and guidance on how to obtain such an assessment.

Will my teachers know about my learning difference / disability and support needs?
Yes, providing you have given us permission to disclose this information, we will inform your teachers and academic coach of your particular difficulty / disability and support needs. We will liaise with them to ensure you get the support you require to enable you to reach your full potential.

Can I continue to get support at university when I leave College?
If you have a specific learning difference or disability, you can apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance through your LEA to fund support at university. We will help you through this process and ensure you have sufficient information and advice to get your degree studies off to a good start.

Student comments:

“Thank you for your support and exam revision skills… I will continue to use them throughout life.”

“Outstanding support. Kept me on track.”

“They quickly found out what support I needed and quickly arranged the support.”

“I can’t thank you enough for the support you have given me.”

“You have been so caring and understanding and I will always remember this.”

“Excellent… could not have been improved anymore.”

Parent comments:

“Fantastic support. Committed and caring staff.”

“Wonderful support… we are and will be forever grateful to The Sixth Form College, Solihull!”

“Would not have survived the year without the support.”

“There is always someone able to answer any questions I have.”

“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the difference you have made to our son’s future.”

Please contact SEN Co-ordinator Caroline Sweeney on 0121 704 2581 or via email at [email protected] if you would like further information regarding Additional Learning Support.

Read the SEND Policy.

For further information regarding Birmingham and Solihull’s local SEND offer, visit the following websites:

Birmingham Local Offer

Solihull Local Offer


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Case Studies

Sam Elliot

Sam Elliot joined the College from Light Hall School and chose to study A BTEC Extended Diploma course. Sam studied…

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