College Awards — Solihull Sixth Form College

College Awards

Every year we hand out awards in all our courses, as well as extra curricular prizes. The 2024 Awards ceremony was held at the Renewal Centre in Solihull. Here is a list of all the winners and the reasons they were given awards.

Subject Awards:

Accounting – Zoya Ali (right)
Zoya has worked tirelessly in Accounting (and also Business) to ensure her knowledge and skills in the subject have continually improved. She always comports herself in the most polite and respectful manner and has gone above and beyond in her studies and her broader college life, helping out on Open Evenings and demonstrating an attitude that is an inspiration to others.

Applied Science (BTEC Extended Certificate) – Jake Livesy
Jake is a very conscientious student who works hard in lessons and in the completion of his assignments. He has achieved consistently high grades through his hard work and attention to detail. Jake has shown good independent learning skills and is a positive example to his peers.

Applied Science (BTEC National Diploma) – Sakina Sami
Sakina has shown dedication to her work throughout the course, as well as a perseverance in establishing a firm understanding of topics and tasks required. She always aims to produce work of the highest possible quality and has been a pleasure to teach.

Applied Science (BTEC Extended Diploma) – Faiza Qadeer
Faiza is incredibly hard working and consistent in lessons. She can always be relied upon to have completed work to the highest standard, and is a pleasure to have in lessons; taking an active role and supporting her fellow students.

Art & Design (Fine Art) – EJ Hughes (left)
EJ is an exceptional all-round artist and has demonstrated a very high level of skill and creativity across a range of media. EJ created a series of fantastic portraits in paint for the unit 1 project that explored layering and lighting with exciting compositions. The standard of this series of work is testament to EJ’s work ethic and determination to produce artwork to the highest level. EJ has inspired many students across both year groups with a continued commitment to improve and develop creative skills. The illustrations EJ is creating for unit 2 are equally impressive and well-constructed. I am confident that EJ will continue to inspire and look forward to seeing the amazing work to come in the future.

Art & Design (Graphics) – Alishba Riaz
Alishba is a hard-working and driven student, with a passion for developing new skills and knowledge across Visual Arts. She is committed to broadening her ideas and refining her work as much as she can, to ensure she produces the best design outcomes possible. Alishba is incredibly responsive to peer and teacher feedback, and she applies it effectively and independently to her work. She is a valued and supportive member of her class and always makes important contributions. I am very proud of all she has achieved this year, as a result of her hard work and resilience.

Art & Design (Photography) – Freyja Wells (right)
Freyja is an incredibly resilient and hard-working student and a talented visual artist. Freyja’s contextual research and analysis skills are exceptional. She writes so beautifully about her findings as well as her own observations, and the influence of the artists and photographers work can be seen throughout her own practical investigation. Freyja is consistent, reliable and reflective. I am very proud of what she has achieved.

Art & Design Practice (BTEC Extended Diploma) – Connie Griffiths
Connie is a hard-working student, who has developed so many skills, techniques and processes across the disciplines within BTEC Art & Design. Connie has been incredibly responsive to peer and teacher feedback, working independently to create outstanding work in the specialist areas. I am so proud of what she has achieved this year and know her curiosity and passion will continue to develop in her future studies in Textile Design. She has been a pleasure to teach.

Biology – Laiba Zafar
Laiba is an incredibly hardworking and consistent student in Biology. Within lessons she is always well focused and she can always be relied upon to have completed all independent work set to the highest possible standard. She is proactive and always makes the most of any opportunity given to her to help her further improve.

Business – Shiyu Lin (left)
Shiyu is an outstanding student who has worked to the best of her ability, whilst always being polite, respectful and friendly. In addition to this, she is willing to help her fellow students and they have all benefitted from her positive attitude. It has been a pleasure and an inspiration teaching her for two years.

Business (BTEC National Diploma) – Tanisha Jahan
Tanisha is an incredibly hard-working and dedicated student. She is proactive when completing and undertaking research for assignments, making the most of every learning opportunity. Her passion for developing new skills and knowledge has made her a valued member of the class, of which she should be very proud.

Business (BTEC Extended Diploma) – George Hemming (right)
An incredibly driven and resilient learner, George’s curiosity and enthusiasm for the subject is evident not only in the high standard of written work produced throughout the course but also the way in which he articulates his understanding of a range of business topics. He has been an absolute pleasure to teach.

Business (BTEC Extended Diploma) – Travis Walters (left)
Travis is an exceptionally motivated student, whose hard work has produced some excellent pieces of coursework. The challenges he has faced whilst completing this course have been met with relentless resilience and tenacity by which his teachers have been truly impressed. He should be extremely proud of all that he has achieved.

CACHE Childcare – Samiya Khan
Samiya is a hard worker who consistently tries her best to achieve high grades. Samiya can be relied upon to make valuable contributions to group discussions through links from her learning in placement experiences. Samiya has excellent feedback from her work experience in a local school, due to her calm and positive nature.

Chemistry – Meg Zagurskas (right)
Meg has consistently achieved high grades in A level Chemistry, culminating in an A* in the mock exam. This has been realised through continued self-reflection, responsiveness to feedback and a willingness to try all the challenges she has been presented with.

John Sleigh Award – Sam Arkell
Sam has made tremendous progress in A level Chemistry. He has demonstrated perseverance and determination throughout the course, and has regularly sought and responded to feedback, resulting in a continuous improvement in his key assessment grades and his achievement of an A in the mock exam.

Computer Science – Felix Galka (left)
Throughout his academic journey, Felix has consistently demonstrated a profound intellect, coupled with an insatiable desire for knowledge. Through his project, he has demonstrated remarkable independence. With a steadfast determination to conquer challenges head-on, he navigates academic pursuits with confidence and resilience.

Creative Digital Media Production (BTEC National Diploma) – Hannah Moloney (right)
Hannah is hard working, resilient and a very positive student. Over the two years, she has supported several of her peers whilst completing her own work to an excellent standard. Her passion for the subject shines through in her meticulous planning and her ambition to perform to the best of her ability. It is this drive that makes Hannah stand out amongst her peers and she is a pleasure to teach.

Criminology – Joshua Vesey
Josh has been nominated for his resilience in Criminology. He works very hard and his engagement and participation in the classroom is very good. He has overcome challenges to achieve highly in the Criminology controlled assessment exam. Well done Josh!

Drama – Luisa Fusha
Luisa is a first-class theatre maker who possesses the talent and ability to succeed in the competitive world of theatre. She is a passionate and devoted student, who consistently approaches her studies with maturity and professionalism. Her devised play titled ‘Stitched’ was a powerful piece of drama that raised awareness of FGM and showcased her research skills, inventiveness and imagination. Luisa is a captivating performer, who presents authentic and believable characters on stage, provoking an emotional response from the audience. She has a highly developed emotional intelligence that is invaluable in a group environment. Her generous and kind character has been appreciated by all who encounter her.

Economics – Alfie Brusch
Alfie has shown great consistency over the last two years. He has scored A*-B in every key assessment, showing excellent skills of analysis and evaluation, as well as great subject knowledge. He contributes well in class discussion, revealing a sound understanding of current economic news and he asks pertinent questions. He also has 100% attendance and punctuality for Economics this year. He is a role model for the other students in the class and helps a number of them with their work. It has been a pleasure to teach Alfie and we wish him every success in the future.

English Language – Lily Beddows
Lily is an outstanding English Language student who has demonstrated unwavering commitment to her studies. She is always engaged and curious and determined to do her best. Her passion for the subject is also reflected in her contributions in Year 12 to the College magazine and her excellent prize-winning article in last year’s Cooper Prize for Journalism.

English Literature – Mia McIntosh
Mia has devoted exemplary effort to her English studies and achieved very high academic standards as a result. She has participated in the mentoring programme, helping her Year 12 mentee to improve, which is typical of her keenness to contribute to the group and help others.

English (GCSE) – Barira Ahmed
Barira worked with determination and maturity in GCSE English. She was engaged in lessons, and always focused on producing the best work possible. Her positive attitude and 100% attendance ensured Barira successfully achieved her GCSE.

Cooper Journalism Prize – Eleanor Reilly
Eleanor won the Cooper prize for Journalism this year for her powerful piece about the normalised and ingrained culture of abuse in junior gymnastics Called ‘Suffering in Silence”. She used her own experiences as a coach to produce a polished piece of investigative journalism.

Cooper Journalism Prize – Charlotte Brant
Charlotte was the runner-up for the Cooper prize for Journalism this year for her article entitled ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: the Martian advantage’. It was a punchy and thought-provoking piece of journalism that explored modern day sexism and myths about feminism.

Film Studies – Joe Grazier
What truly sets Joe apart is his unwavering determination to expand his knowledge and skills beyond the classroom. Whether it is attending film screenings or engaging in thought-provoking discussions about contemporary cinema, he has shown a genuine thirst for learning and a sincere love for the art form. Joe has proven to be a supportive and collaborative member of the class and he has truly enriched our learning environment.

French – Aleksandra Puczylowska
Aleksandra is an incredible linguist who will never admit how good she is in French. Her humility has always struck me as a great strength: she has quietly progressed into becoming a fantastic communicator despite hating speaking French when she started Year 12. Not only is she able to manipulate the French language with great flair and accuracy using an impressive range of vocabulary, she also writes with remarkable analytical depth, making many pertinent observations in her essays. Aleksandra is a truly outstanding student, who has a bright future in front of her (as a psychologist living in France).

Further Maths – Rohan Rana
In an exceptionally strong Further Maths group, Rohan really stands out, not just for his mathematical abilities, but also for his maturity and kindness. He is particularly skilful at explaining his ideas in simpler terms, which will definitely help him in his future career. In his interactions with others, he shows excellent leadership potential, helping his colleagues who are struggling and providing a sounding board for others who want to discuss their ideas. We will really miss him and expect to hear great things about him in the future.

Geography – Humza Akhtar
The ability to ‘think like a geographer’ is not an easy skill, yet Humza has embraced this demand of the subject with enthusiasm and vigour. His energy and quest to learn more deeply about the geographical challenges facing our planet in the 21st century has been sustained. His thoughts and ideas have exceptional depth and breadth. Finally, Humza was a very valued representative of the College at the Model United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Geology – Meg Zagurskas
A truly exceptional Geology student, Meg consistently demonstrates a vast breadth and depth of all things geological. Her ability to analyse and interpret complex geological problems, coupled with her genuine enthusiasm for the subject, have enabled Meg to successfully attain a well-deserved place to further her studies in Geology at university.

German – Joseph Creaton
Joseph is a truly exceptional linguist. He reads widely and has developed a broad knowledge and understanding of the history and culture of German-speaking countries. He has developed an outstanding German vocabulary and writes with confidence and complexity. He is a dedicated student who has been a pleasure to teach.

Health & Social Care (BTEC Extended Certificate) – Chloe Driver
Chloe has demonstrated commitment in her attitude throughout the two years on the course. Her attendance is exemplary, which has allowed her to maximise her progression and academic attainment. She is always engaged, contributing well to class discussions, so that others have benefited from her clarity of understanding.

Health & Social Care (BTEC National Diploma) – Seren Jones
Seren is hard working, always on time for lessons and has outstanding attendance. Seren is a very focused student and will complete all tasks set in a timely manner and to a very high standard. Seren is a very polite and popular member of the group and will help and support her peers; she always goes that extra mile to achieve her goals and is very determined to achieve her ambition of being a children’s nurse.

Health & Social Care (BTEC Extended Diploma) – Isabelle Howkins
Isabelle has consistently showcased an unwavering commitment to learning in Health & Social Care, ensuring work was produced to exceptional standards. Her resilience in overcoming challenges throughout the course has been truly commendable. She has demonstrated a mature and professional attitude in her work placements and has reflected her knowledge in practice.

History – Aaron Ciesar (right)
Aaron is an outstanding student of History. He is endlessly enthusiastic, often informing the class and myself of interesting facts. Aaron is able to analyse and debate with flair and he writes with true engagement on a broad range of historical subjects. In primary data research, Aaron has surpassed himself, demonstrating university level research skills. Aaron has been an absolute pleasure to teach over the two years.

IT (BTEC Extended Certificate) – Zahra Salam
Zahra exemplifies brilliance and dedication as a studious learner with an exceptional work ethic. Her assignments consistently showcase thorough explanations and detailed analysis. Furthermore, her exemplary attendance and punctuality underscore her commitment to academic excellence.

IT (BTEC Extended Diploma) – Mehvish Mirza (left)
Mehvish excels in BTEC ICT, maintaining top grades across all units. Proficient in programming, graphics, editing, designing, and cybersecurity, she showcases remarkable commitment and an insatiable appetite for learning. Mehvish’s diligence, coupled with her pleasant demeanour, makes her a standout student in every regard.

Law – Lewis Roberts
Lewis has consistently worked hard, challenging himself to obtain solid grades for the last 2 years. He enjoys learning and explores topics out of genuine interest in them. He always completes the work he has been set and frequently will look to see what extra he can do. Lewis is innately conscientious and has a naturally friendly, polite and warm disposition, liked by peers and teachers equally. Lewis aspires to do well and has a strong vision of where he wants to be in the future, which he uses to motivate himself.

Mathematics (A level) – Jess Hassall
Jess has been an outstanding student in A level Mathematics over the last 2 years; demonstrating the highest level of intellectual curiosity which, combined with consistent hard work and dedication, has resulted in Jess achieving an A/A* grade in all nine key assessments. Jess’s written work is nothing short of exceptional, using clear, well-structured mathematical arguments and rigorous notation. Jess is planning to study Mathematics at Nottingham and they would also make a fantastic teacher of the subject, should they wish to consider this in the future.

Mathematics (GCSE) – Layla Hussain Zaidi
Layla joined the GCSE Mathematics resit class in September and within three months managed to achieve a grade 5. This is a very significant achievement. Her determination and commitment were evidenced by her perfect attendance record, the effort in class and her consistent high level of independent work. At the same, she was a very pleasant member of the class, building positive relations with her peers and initiating interesting discussions.

Mathematics (Core) – James Cherry
James has been an exceptional student in Core Maths. He has picked up every topic and new concept quickly, demonstrating a thorough understanding. James suggests potential strategies to solve the more complex problems and has correctly predicted exam questions based on the preliminary material. He completes written work quickly and to a very high standard. Unfortunately, long term illness seriously impacted the second half of James’ time in Year 12, but this does not detract from what a fantastic student he has been when able to attend.

Media Studies – Ben Samuels
Ben has been a dedicated and committed member of the A level Media course these past two years, always offering opinion in class and pushing himself to succeed. He even brought creative flair to his coursework, using one of his own original songs as a soundtrack to the music video he was tasked to produce. Despite facing difficulties at times, he has persisted with an unwavering positivity to his studies and continues to work to a high standard to achieve his full potential. We can only imagine Ben will leave the College and go on to even greater things!

Music – Fynn Coughlan-Feeney (right)
Fynn has presented himself in the best possible light during his two years studying Music. An accomplished guitarist, he has demonstrated his performance skills at many events, including the College and Trust Awards evenings and most recently winning the Heartfield Wharam recital competition. His openness to learn, improve and be curious about music has resulted in him becoming a well-rounded and highly capable musician. Fynn’s love for music has been evident from the outset, enthusing others around him and being a positive role model in the department.

Philosophy – Jack Henderson (left)
Jack is an outstanding philosopher. He has been consistently committed to the subject, evidenced in his detailed written work and enthusiasm in class. He has also been an excellent ambassador for the Humanities Department, confidently representing Philosophy at the College’s open events.

Physics – Dan Wormald
Dan has been instrumental in the success of the Physics peer-support group. He has enabled Year 12 students to engage with the revision of core topics and key concepts in Physics, consistently volunteering his time on both a Monday and Friday each week.

Politics – Toby Ellinor (right)
Toby is an impressive student in Politics. His commitment to Politics is demonstrated through excellent attendance, thorough completion of independent work and full engagement in all class activities. His enthusiasm for real world politics is evident in his impressive knowledge and understanding of contemporary UK and US Politics.

Psychology – Dolsie Hall
Dolsie’s unwavering commitment and relentless pursuit of excellence in Psychology are truly commendable. Her self-critical approach reflects a deep understanding of the subject, and in her diligence Dolsie has set an inspiring example for others.

Psychology – Meena Ahmadzai
Meena’s enthusiasm and commitment to Psychology consistently enrich her peers. Meena continually strives to improve; she listens to feedback and acts on it straightaway. This is evident in her grades as these have improved in each key assessment. Meena has shown resilience and commitment throughout the course. She has an impressive work ethic and a positive attitude to her work in Psychology. Meena is articulate and has the confidence to ask for help and support. She has been a pleasure to teach and we wish her every success for the future.

Religious Studies – Thea Hitchcock
Thea is a highly motivated Religious Studies student who has a thoughtful approach to her studies. She has demonstrated excellent powers of analysis and evaluation in her written work and her contributions in lessons have always enhanced class discussions. Thea has been an excellent ambassador for the Humanities department, confidently representing Religious Studies at the College’s open events.

Sociology – Anisha Gareja (left)
Anisha is an exceptional student; one of the most impressive students I have taught. She has an encyclopaedic knowledge of Sociology as a result of her hard work and preparation for each class. She writes fluently and coherently, and I have never known her unable to answer a question in class. She supports others in lessons and goes out of her way to help.

Spanish – Sherry Ikhinmwin
Sherry is a most dedicated and committed student. She has demonstrated great passion and enthusiasm for the Spanish language, as well as Hispanic culture and society. She speaks Spanish with a high degree of fluency and possesses a beautiful accent. She always conveys well thought-out arguments and is eager to participate in debates. Her extensive research on the issue of violence towards women in Mexico has been outstanding. Sherry has also been a great asset to the department, helping to promote languages during the open events and always displaying a positive attitude. It has been an absolute pleasure to have Sherry in my class and I wish her all the very best for the future.

Sport (BTEC Extended Certificate) – Freyja Wells
This award is in recognition of Freyja’s consistently diligent attitude towards her BTEC Sport studies. She always exhibits a positive outlook and has enjoyed the challenge of learning new theoretical concepts. She demonstrates initiative to problem solve and constantly pushes herself forward to make progress. Freya can be proud of her accomplishments over the last two years.

Sport (BTEC Extended Diploma) – Zach Hemmings
Zach has worked at a consistently high level during the course, which has enabled him to attain high grades throughout. He has also demonstrated a maturity in his approach to independent working that will prepare him for his pathway of coaching after college. This has been particularly seen within his Leadership and Sports Coaching Unit.

Statistics – Miles Pearce (right)
This award recognises Miles’ outstanding effort and commitment to the Statistics course over the two years, and tremendous progress made over time. His statistical reasoning and quality of work have become excellent and he is a fantastic student to have on the course. Well done.

Extra-Curricular Awards:

Ambassador to the Future – Hana Mian (left)
Hana has consistently gone above and beyond what one would expect of a student during her two years at the College. Whether it has been leading Student Council, contributing at Governor meetings or helping out at open days, she has always been first in line to offer her time and has done so with a smile on her face. Her outstanding attitude and work ethic mean that I have no doubt she will succeed at whatever she puts her mind to.

Ambassador to the Future – Toby Ellinor
Toby is an outstanding member of the College community, who is constantly looking to support peers and fight against social injustice. Toby has been part of the Student Council, has acted as a Student Ambassador and has supported Academic Coaching lessons by creating resources for Pride Month. Furthermore, Toby has done huge amounts to support the LGBTQ+ Society at the College. He has been involved in charity events and awareness-raising campaigns. Toby is an ally and a role model for so many of our young people at the College. It has been an immense pleasure to be a part of his journey.

Student Council – Mehvish Mirza
Mehvish is a model student. She is hard-working, conscientious, and self-motivated. Every day Mehvish strives to be a better version of herself. As Vice Chair of the Student Council Mehvish has excelled. Her vision and organisational skills were instrumental in the successes of many fundraising and charitable events. Outstanding work Mehvish – you always go over and above!

Student Governor – Hana Mian
Hana’s commitment and genuine desire to contribute positively to the strategic direction of the College have made her an outstanding student governor. We thank her and wish her well at university and in her career beyond. We know she will be a star!

Extended Project – Elsa Lowther
Elsa completed her EPQ as a member of the Archaeology Academy. Her dedication, research, organisation and self-reflection over the course of her project were exemplary. Elsa produced an educational pack on Roman food and the rituals surrounding it for home-schooled children as her artefact – a resource that could have been professionally published. The exceptional quality of Elsa’s EPQ reflects her academic rigour and passion for Archaeology, a subject in which she will no doubt achieve further successes in future study.

Exceptional Progress – Amaan Dean
Amaan joined the College some four weeks late and fully engaged in his course to catch up. Amaan has maintained excellent attendance throughout his time at the College and has engaged with staff in a positive and mature manner. Amaan is now looking forward to taking his studies to degree level.

Exceptional Progress – Gemma Phillips
It has been an absolute pleasure to watch Gemma grow into a confident and mature young person. Gemma has maintained excellent attendance and engagement whilst at the College and is now looking forward to studying Psychology at degree level.

Summit Learning Trust Award – Joel Bearman
Not only has Joel had 100% attendance since he joined the Sixth Form, but he has had 100% attendance since starting with the Summit Learning Trust back in Year 7 of Lyndon School. Joel’s commitment has been impressive and he is an excellent role model for us all. Well done Joel.

Basketball – Jericho Felix
Jericho was the player with the highest attendance and commitment in practices over the two years. He also supported new members of the team with their development. Jericho was also a very dependable player, who was able to maintain his high level of performance in the face of adversity within games. Jericho inspired others as he was always ready to give 100% in all situations.

Cricket – Rehan Chistsi
Rehan is a wholehearted and highly effective all-round cricketer for the college, always displaying a terrifically positive attitude, coupled with playing the game in the right spirit. During his time at College, he has also received the tremendous accolade of travelling to Dubai to compete in the Junior World Series Indoor Cricket tournament for England under-17’s.

Football (Men’s) – Abdullah Abdullah
Abdullah deserves this award because he is ‘Mr Consistent’, He is regularly awarded player of the match and has finished as the team’s top goal scorer. He has also exhibited his leadership skills throughout the season. The team would not have been in the running to win the league this season without Abdullah’s superb goals, his skilful sporting abilities and personal attributes.

Football (Women’s) – Alicia Rogers
Alicia has demonstrated excellent teamwork and responsibility throughout the two years that she has represented the College. Although Alicia is a talented outfield player, she has excelled whilst playing in goal, gaining positive feedback from every team that we have faced.

Netball – Scarlett Hughes
Scarlett has shown dedication over the last two years and has been an inspiration and role model to other students. Scarlett is a versatile performer, who can play any position she is needed to help the team. She has produced outstanding performances across two years, leading to her being voted player of the match from the opposition teams. In addition, she has attended every possible training session this year, showing just how committed and dedicated she is to her sport.

Rugby – Abubakr Faqeer
Abu has displayed outstanding commitment to training and games for the College. He came to rugby in Year 12 as a complete novice and his improvement has been marked. In particular, the ferocity of his tackling has belied his stature and showed what a big heart he has.

Volunteering – Toby Ellinor
Toby gained a Gold award with Shirley Lions by accruing over 100 hours of voluntary service within a 12 month period at College. Toby has helped out at many events, including Fun Day, LGBTQ+ events and Open Days, as well as 100% attendance within the Student Council.

Volunteering – Besmala Elsayed
Besmala worked very hard during her two-year commitment to Student Council. She also was the Student Lead for the first College Iftar and worked diligently creating the event. She has earned the Shirley Lions’ Gold volunteering award.

Volunteering – Mehvish Mirza
Mehvish worked for two years as the Deputy Chair within the Student Council, during which time she ran various charity and awareness events and helped organise the College Fun Day. Her hours of volunteering added up to a Gold Award from Shirley Lions.

Volunteering – Hana Mian
Hana has achieved the Gold award for volunteering. She was Chair of the Student Council for two years, arranging and running weekly meetings and delegating work to more than 12 other students. She also arranged charity events to raise money for the trip she attended to The Gambia.

Volunteering – Florence Cochrane-Bereza
Florence achieved the Gold Award from Shirley Lions for her volunteering as part of the College’s Team Gambia project. She fundraised for the Abuko Lower Basic & Nursery School and visited the school in November 2023.

Volunteering – Ellie Ruffles
Ellie earned a Gold award with Shirley Lions from her part in the College’s Team Gambia project. She visited the Abuko Lower Basic & Nursery School in November 2023 and fundraised for the school before the trip.

Volunteering – Dayyaan Alexander
Dayyaan was part of Team Gambia 2023, which saw him fundraise for the Abuko Lower Basic & Nursery School, before travelling to The Gambia to teach in the school for a week. His volunteering earned him a Gold award from Shirley Lions.

Volunteering – Hannah Barr (right)
Hannah’s volunteering as part of Team Gambia has seen her earn a Gold Award from Shirley Lions. She raised money for the Abuko Lower Basic & Nursery School and then visited the school in November 2023.

Volunteering – Anna Kelly
Anna was part of the College’s Team Gambia project in 2023, earning her a Gold award from the Shirley Lions. She visited the Abuko Lower Basic & Nursery School in The Gambia in November 2023, having fundraised for the school before the trip.

Volunteering – Mushtari Rahman
Mushtari’s involvement in the College’s Team Gambia project saw her fundraise for the Abuko Lower Basic & Nursery School, before travelling to The Gambia to teach in the school for a week. This earned her a Gold award from Shirley Lions.

Volunteering – Faith Lovell
Faith was part of Team Gambia 2023, which saw her spend part of the year raising money for the Abuko Lower Basic & Nursery School, before visiting the school in November 2023. Her involvement in the project saw her get a Gold award from Shirley Lions.

Volunteering – Olivia Coley (left)
Olivia has been awarded a Gold Award from Shirley Lions for being part of the College’s Team Gambia project. She visited the Abuko Lower Basic & Nursery School in The Gambia in November 2023, having fundraised for the school before the trip.

Volunteering – Emily Kite (right)
Emily was part of the College’s Team Gambia project in 2023. She fundraised for the Abuko Lower Basic & Nursery School, before travelling to The Gambia to teach in the school for a week. This earned her a Gold award from Shirley Lions.

Staff Awards:

Rachel Johnston (37 years service)
Rachel joined the College as a Chemistry teacher in 1987 and is our longest serving member of staff. It was her first teaching post, 37 years ago. During her time at the College, she has been an important member of the Chemistry team, providing mentoring and support for other staff and taking a significant role in the development of the team. There are a huge number of staff who have benefitted from her counsel through union work and health and safety representations. We are all incredibly grateful for the outstanding contribution that Rachel has given to the College over such a long period of time.

Jane Morris (20 years service)
Jane joined the College in 2004 and has been a key member of the Examinations Team. With an outstanding ability to work under pressure, Jane sets herself exceedingly high standards and will always see a task through to completion. Her knowledge of the examinations system is second to none, she has a good logical mind and is a pleasure to work with. Always approachable to both staff and students, Jane takes responsibility in her stride and is an asset to the team. Her kindness and calm approach will be greatly missed and we wish her well in her retirement.

Scott Fisher (18 years service)
Scott has been a truly transformational Curriculum Leader of Mathematics who has worked tirelessly to improve student outcomes. Scott is dedicated, hardworking and committed to instilling inner belief and confidence in all of the students who study a Maths course. Scott has fostered a culture of high expectations and the importance of a strong work ethic. He has the utmost respect for his team and works hard to ensure that that have opportunities to develop their expertise, interests and practice. Scott is a committed teacher with unwavering passion for his subject and this comes through in all he does. We wish Scott a very happy and well-deserved retirement.

Joseph Kimani (14 years service)
Joseph has played a crucial role in the development of the Maths curriculum area. He is an excellent teacher, valued member of the maths team and someone who radiates warmth and enthusiasm is all he does. Joseph’s positivity and energy is unbounded. In the classroom he encourages his students to take risks and builds confidence through practice. Joseph has been a safe pair of hands, committed fully to the team priorities, and a constant during times of change. We wish Joseph all the very best as he embarks on a new adventure in the Emirates.