Commitment — Solihull Sixth Form College


College Commitment

The College makes a full commitment to supporting your study with the best possible resources and teachers, and to working with you to secure your success. In particular, the College seeks to provide:

  1. A broad curriculum offering a range of learning opportunities, including extension and enrichment courses;
  2. High quality teaching and effective management of your learning which is subject to independent inspection;
  3. Prompt and regular spoken or written feedback on work, marked against national Examination Board criteria;
  4. Work returned to you within agreed deadlines;
  5. Regular and on-going review of your progress, which will be discussed with you and where your progress will be monitored against agreed targets;
  6. A planned academic guidance programme which provides group and individual support and advice;
  7. An induction programme into College and for your chosen courses;
  8. Suitably qualified staff;
  9. A well-resourced, healthy and safe environment with suitable places for study, including access to computers – all A level students are timetabled into the Learning Resource Centre for one class per week;
  10. Help with study skills and support for any areas where you encounter difficulties with your learning;
  11. The opportunity to undertake work placements and fieldwork;
  12. Where appropriate, the opportunity to participate in visits and/or residential courses both in the UK and abroad.

All members of the College community make a full commitment to working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect for each other and the College, and to following all College rules and procedures. All members make a full commitment to be actively engaged in this community based on the power of education, democratic values, universal human rights and equality before the law.

Student Commitment

By becoming a student at this College you agree to make a full commitment to your studies over the next two years. This means working to the best of your abilities, engaging fully and promptly in all the tasks you are set, and attending all your lessons, coaching sessions and other meetings on time.

The study commitment rules are:

  • Work should be completed and submitted to deadlines set by staff.
  • Students are expected at all times to work to the best of their ability in class work, independent study, coursework, tests and examinations.
  • Students are expected to attend at least 600 hours of timetabled classes, exams, coaching sessions and other one-to-one work, supervised study sessions and enrichment over the course of the year.
  • Students are also expected to undertake at least 600 hours of independent study, revision and employability activities. This level of investment is a reflection of what is required to trigger funding as a full-time student, and is expected of all students at College. If you average 35 hours of work a week during term time, you will be able to meet this commitment. Study at this level is a full-time commitment.
  • Students are expected to behave appropriately whenever studying on the College premises and to respect the authority of all College staff. Behaviour that disrupts the learning of others will not be tolerated; students should move in and around College buildings quietly.
  • In order to progress into Year 13 students must demonstrate the ability and appropriate attitude to work, attendance and behaviour to enable them to succeed.
  • Students must at all times produce work that is their own, not copying or submitting work that has been produced by others, nor by using unacknowledged sources from the Internet.

See the Student Behaviour Policy for more information.


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Case Studies

Marim Abohendia

Marim Abohendia came to the College from Lyndon School, another academy from the Summit Learning Trust. She chose to study…

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