Religious Studies — Solihull Sixth Form College

Religious Studies

Why study Religious Studies?

Religious Studies offers learners the opportunity to question the philosophical and ethical ideas that are present within the British religious tradition. These are important as, even if we are not from this tradition, or any tradition at all, they inform and shape the society and the values that we live by. Everyday life, from newspaper articles to social media, from arts and literature to celebrity culture reflects these dilemmas of thought. These problems have been the source for some of the most influential and persistent of human questions; how should we live? What are we here for? Are we free? Is there a purpose to it all?

Why study Religious Studies at Solihull Sixth Form College?
  • We offer a varied and thought-provoking course that focuses on the philosophy of religion, religion and ethics and developments in Christian thought.
  • You will gain insight into the place of religion in the modern world and be encouraged to see the world from new perspectives.
  • There are plenty of opportunities for developing your employability skills through debating, presenting and constructing arguments in essays.
  • You will be taught in a supportive department by specialist A-Level teachers who are experts in Religious Studies.
Course Outline

Unit 1 – Philosophy of Religion – This unit asks the following questions:
• How do we make sense of reality?
• What do religious believers think about the nature of God?
• Can the existence of God be proven?
• Does religious experience provide a basis for belief in God or a greater power?
• Does the existence of evil invite the conclusion that God does not exist?
• Is the mind the same thing as the body?
• Is there life after death?
• How should we understand religious language?

Unit 2 – Religion and Ethics – This unit asks the following questions:
• What is the best approach to moral decision making?
Should we aim to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number? Should we aim for the most loving outcome? Should we focus on doing our duty? Should we follow the moral law of God within human nature? Is conscience a useful guide for moral decision making?
• Is euthanasia ever morally justified?
• How should businesses operate?
• How should we approach issues in sexual ethics?
• Is ethical language meaningful or meaningless?

Unit 3 – Developments in Christian Thought – This unit asks the following questions:
• Is there a distinctive human nature?
• What do Christians believe about the afterlife?
• What do Christians believe about salvation?
• Is faith sufficient reason for belief in God’s existence?
• Who was Jesus?
• How do Christians make moral decisions?
• How have Christian communities responded to other faiths?
• What do Christians think about the roles of men and women in the family and society?
• How have Christian feminists understood God?


No Coursework
Examination (100%) – Three 2 hour exam papers.
Examining Board – OCR.

Special Entry Requirements

Learners must have grade 4 or above in Religious Studies if they have taken it at GCSE. In addition, standard A level entry requirements apply.

Prohibited Options


What do our learners go on to do?

Religious Studies is of use to those learners wanting to carry on into higher education – particularly to those thinking of careers in Media, Law, Politics, Social work, Teaching and Community Work.

Cost Implications


Complementary Subjects or Enrichment Courses

Religious Studies complements many other A level subjects. Many learners also take an Extended Project Qualification.

This information is correct for September 2024 entry.

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Case Studies

Asad Butt

Asad Butt came to the College from CTC Kingshurst Academy to study A levels. He achieved an A grade in…

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