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Stretch & Challenge

Enrichment Overview

The Stretch and Challenge enrichment provides extensive support and guidance for students applying to Russell Group universities including Oxford and Cambridge.

It consists of:

  • a parents evening for students and parents/carers who may have little experience of the university application process
  • preparation for university tests and interviews
  • support with personal statements
  • extra support for first generation university applicants applying to competitive courses
  • a place on the Stretch & Challenge Summer School in June
  • access to a Teams group with links, activities and aptitude tests which will strengthen applications to university
  • a specific programme for those students considering applying to Oxford or Cambridge (Students interested in medicine should also ensure they have signed up to the Pre-Medical School.)

This enrichment aims to make students aware of aspirational university options early on in their time at college so that they can apply to summer schools and masterclasses at the earliest possible opportunity. It provides a community and support basis for students who enjoy academic pursuits and encourages students to stretch and challenge themselves by helping them access resources and events beyond their classroom lessons.

December of Year 12 until January of Year 13.

This will vary from month to month where sometimes just attendance at a meeting might be expected. All participants are expected to attend the Stretch and Challenge Summer School in June and if a student decides to apply for a competitive course or university such as Oxford or Cambridge, they will be expected to dedicate a lot of their independent study time to their application.

Nothing, other than optional trips.

There is a recruitment process for the Stretch and Challenge Programme. Usually students will need to have a very good GCSE profile of strong passes and an academic record would contain evidence of:

  • unwavering enthusiasm and interest in their subject and other academic pursuits.
  • being proactive and independent.
  • having the desire to seek out wider reading and research opportunities.
  • taking part in some sort of extra-curricular activity – this could be the Extended Project Qualification or wider reading or work experience.

Students with a strong GCSE profile are invited to a meeting in December to address the key commitments of the programme and are invited to attend subsequent events. For the Stretch and Challenge Summer School in June, interested students sign up via Microsoft Forms in May of Year 12. You can sign up for another enrichment alongside the Stretch & Challenge Programme.