Young Carers Re-accreditation — Solihull Sixth Form College

Young Carers Re-accreditation

Solihull Sixth Form College is celebrating achieving the Carers Federation Quality Standard in Carer Support re-accreditation.

This quality standard confirms Solihull Sixth Form College’s continued good practice and commitment to its young adult carers, who are young people who care for a relative affected by illness or disability.

The reaccreditation report has just been published and it highlighted the College’s “clear commitment from staff up to senior level in providing an inclusive and supportive environment for young adult carers” and its “close working within the Summit Learning Trust to support young carers throughout their educational journey”. The fact that the College has a dedicated member of staff to support young carers was praised, as were the opportunities that the College provides for young adult carers to give feedback and inform developments through focus groups and questionnaires.

To achieve re-accreditation, young adult carers and staff were interviewed and the learners who juggle their studies with caring roles reported feeling “valued and supported throughout their whole college journey” and appreciating “the ongoing communications from the Young Adult Carer Lead just to know there is someone there for them”.

Kerry Richardson, Progress Manager and Adult Carer Strategic Lead, commented:

“The College as a whole is delighted to have achieved this re-accreditation. We have 92 young adult carers studying at the College and it is important to us that we ensure these young people have an equal chance of success as their peers. They face a significant challenge in juggling their studies with caring responsibilities and it is pleasing to know that the support we give them helps.”

Also instrumental in attaining the reaccreditation has been Academic Coach and Young Adult Carer Lead Tracey Hayden.

23 May 2024