Meet the Team — Solihull Sixth Form College

Meet the Team

Senior Leadership Team


Martin Sullivan

Janice Hamilton
Vice Principal (Curriculum)

Jamie Staddon
Vice Principal (Student Experience & Quality)

Assistant Principals
Below Principalship, we have a number of Assistant Principals, who have responsibility for particular curriculum areas, as well as cross-college services. To contact them please telephone 0121 704 2581 .

Zoe Bereza
Assistant Principal (Curriculum)

Oona Stone
Assistant Principal (Curriculum)

Richard Hammond
Assistant Principal (Curriculum)

Louise Dale-Barron
Assistant Principal (Pastoral Support)

Trevor Irving
Assistant Principal (Careers & Student Destinations)

Anisa Lokat-Fanning
Associate Assistant Principal (DEI & Student Development)

Progress Managers

Sarah Law
Karen Sherwood
Joanne Tully

Vice Principal Jamie Staddon is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSLs). The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are Nancy Troman, Trevor Irving, Louise Dale-Barron, Anisa Lokat-Fanning, Caroline Sweeney and Bobbie Pidgeon.

Key Support Services

Other staff responsible for key support services are as follows:

Finance and Business Manager (Trust)
Hana Cribb

Estates (Trust)
Mark Gutridge

Additional Support & SENCO
Caroline Sweeney

Debbie Brown

IT Services (Trust)
Ross Harris

Bev Bishop

Procurement (Trust)
Steve Smith

Curriculum Leaders

As far as Curriculum areas are concerned, Curriculum Leaders and the courses they are responsible for as listed below:

Applied Business
Pam Hope (BTEC Business)

Business, Accounting & Law
Michael Albanese (A level Accounting, A level Business, A level Law)

Chemistry & Applied Science
Simon Windsor (A level Chemistry, BTEC Applied Science)

Creative Arts
Zoe Maksymiw (A level Drama & Theatre, Fine Art, Graphics, Music, Photography & BTEC Art & Design)

English & Modern Languages
Jane McCard (A Level English Language, English Literature, French, German & Spanish)

Beccy Clay (A level Geography, Geology, History, Philosophy & Religious Studies)

Scott Fisher (A level Further Maths, Mathematics, Statistics & Use of Maths)

Media & IT
Rasbinder Gill (A level Computing, Film Studies, Media Studies, BTEC IT, BTEC Creative Media)

Natural Sciences
Amy Webster (A level Biology & Physics)

Nicola Holmes (A level Psychology)

Social Sciences
Julie Watts (A level Economics, Politics & Sociology and Diploma in Criminology)

Sport & Health
Lee Jones (A level Physical Education, BTEC Health & Social Care [Diploma & Extended Diploma] & T level Education & Childcare)


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Case Studies

Esther Hurst

Esther Hurst joined The Sixth Form College, Solihull from Tudor Grange Academy. She studied A level French, History and Spanish…

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