Safeguarding, Child Protection & Prevent — Solihull Sixth Form College

Safeguarding, Child Protection & Prevent


The College takes its responsibilities for safeguarding very seriously. If, for any reason, you have concerns for your own safety or well-being, or the safety or well-being of others, you should report these concerns to a member of staff. These concerns could be in relation to physical, emotional or sexual abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, radicalisation, forced and honour-based violence, peer-to-peer abuse, domestic violence or e-safety for example.

The College has policies for safeguarding & prevent and e-safety, which are available as downloads from the student zone of the College website. The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection/Safeguarding is:

Jamie Staddon – Vice Principal (H117 Hampton) – [email protected]

Other members of our Safeguarding Team are:
Nancy Troman – Deputy DSL (H421 Hampton) [email protected]
Bobbie Pidgeon – Mental Health Lead (B722 Blythe)
Anisa Lokat-Fanning – Assistant DSL (D004 Sports Centre)
Louise Dale-Barron – Assistant DSL (B706 Blythe)
Trevor Irving – Assistant DSL (Room B707 Blythe)
Caroline Sweeney – LAC Lead (M207 Malvern)


Under the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015, the College has a legal duty to work to prevent young people from being drawn into terrorism and extremism. If you have any concerns, either in relation to your own situation, or that of other students, please speak to any member of staff, who will refer you to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads.

To find out more, read the Summit Learning Trust’s full Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Strategy.


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Case Studies

Megan Bache

Megan Bache (pictured right) joined The Sixth Form College, Solihull from Langley School. She studied A level French, German and…

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