Student Behaviour — Solihull Sixth Form College

Student Behaviour

Successful students are actively committed to all aspects of their studies and are prepared to invest sufficient time to turn that commitment into success. Students are encouraged to exercise a considerable degree of responsibility for the organisation of their learning. Our behaviour expectations are designed to ensure that both staff and students can work together in a safe, productive and positive environment.

The wellbeing of our students and staff is a priority. Our Student Behaviour Policy describes the rewards and interventions to support our students in achieving their potential.

By enrolling at this College students agree to make a full commitment to their studies. This means working to the best of their abilities, engaging fully and promptly in all the tasks they are set, and attending all their lessons, coaching sessions, and other obligations on time. Students agree to:

  • Work to the best of their ability in all they do within our ASPIRE & VESPA learning culture and to complete all work set so that it can be handed in on time.
  • Invest fully in their education by attending all classes, coaching sessions, appointments, and other commitments punctually, and to follow absence procedures as laid out in the Attendance & Punctuality Policy if they cannot do so for legitimate reasons.
  • Treat all members of our vibrant and diverse community with respect and be actively engaged in this community based on the power of education, democratic values, universal human rights and equality before the law.
  • Be guided by College high expectations, rules and arrangements which are designed to make this a safe, fair, friendly and welcoming place for all of us to study and work.

Rewards and Sanctions

We strive to provide an environment which will ensure a positive, successful and proactive ethos which, in turn, will raise standards of excellence for both students and staff.

Informal verbal praise forms part of day-to-day interactions with students. Praise can be formalised on the student’s record and when demonstrated over time may be recognised with rewards including subject prizes and curriculum area awards, commendations and College Colours.

The College and the Summit Learning Trust hold an annual awards event where outstanding achievements are recognised.

In the event that a student fails to meet the agreed expectations of the College, there are five stages of sanction, the stages in the procedure are sequential but depending on the severity of the incident, the procedure may be started at a later stage. The purpose of the processes is to work with the student to discuss the concerns, provide support for them to amend their behaviours and for them to get back on track with their learning. We work in partnership with students and parents to address emerging concerns.


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Case Studies

Asad Butt

Asad Butt came to the College from CTC Kingshurst Academy to study A levels. He achieved an A grade in…

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