Young Adult Carers Support — Solihull Sixth Form College

Young Adult Carers Support

What is a Young Adult Carer?
A Young Adult Carer is someone aged 16 – 25 who helps support someone in their family, or household who is disabled, mentally or physically ill, has a long term serious illness or has a substance misuse problem.

Academic Coaching

Surprising facts

  • Young Adult Carers are a vulnerable Group.
  • There is a duty of care to identify and support Young Adult carers.
  • 1 in 5 College students are young adult carers.

Support in College

  • Dedicated support worker (Tracey Hayden – [email protected])
  • One-to-one support
  • Help with student Finance
  • Drop-in and group support
  • Specialist drop in sessions from external young adult carer charities

Letter to Parents

Please make contact with our Young Carers Lead should you be a young carer or a parent/carer of a young carer so that we can discuss the support you may require in school / college and/or at home

For information on local Young Adult Carers Support:

Solihull Carers
Young Carers Coventry
Warwickshire Young Carers

Please also see our Young Carers Policy.